We Earth humans are engaged in this moment in a wonderful and fascinating journey of self discovery.  We have known many things about ourselves in times past.  Now however a new reality is dawning for us.  Understing the Law of Attraction will help us to shed light on this new reality.  This Law of Attraction is not a human law.  It does not exist per se within any codes of manmade law.  Rather is it a Universal Law.  This means that it is one of the governing principles for the orderly functioning of the Universe in which we find ourselves.  We are bound by the Law of Attraction because of our presence in this Universe, even if we are not aware of its existence . 


There is good reason to think then that it is greatly to our benefit to be aware of this Law. 


Those of us who practice ‘purposeful choice’ in the enactment and management of our lives and personal and business affairs know in at least a de facto way something about this Law of Attraction.  In its essence and at the risk of oversimplification the Law of Attraction might be rendered as ‘like attracts like’.  The risk of oversimplification rises when this ‘like attracts like’ is read too literally.  ‘Like attracts like’ in regards to the Law of Attraction references the unseen realm of energy frequency.  This refers to the flow of energy in waves and means that the energy flowing from us in discrete wave forms of specified lengths will attract to us waves of energy with the same specified lengths of waves. 


In this way of knowing and perceiving, all entities in all realms of manifestation exist as energetic forms having specified lengths of waves.  Serenity has its wave form and wave length wherever it is found.  Serenity will then attract to itself serene forms and experiences.  Joy too has its measure of wave form in specified length.  Joy in this way attracts to itself other joyful experience and expression. 


In the journey of self discovery upon which humanity has embarked currently, we are together discovering that how we think and what we think matter greatly.  How we think and what we think are patterns created as ripples in the vast fields of energy surrounding us that constitute what we call ‘reality’.  We are learning as we experiment with purposeful choice that we are able to inform and influence the energy fields that surround us.  When we sustain waves of serenity we produce serenity in our environment.  When we be joy, we saturate the energy fields that surround us with joy.  Others then experience this serenity and this joy.  It spreads and amplifies. 


When groups or collectives join through shared vision and commitment to produce for themselves as individuals and as collectives serenity and joy, as examples, this has a cumulative effect on the entire energy field of the human family and the planet.  This is the deeply joyful discovery that is occurring at this time on Earth, beloved Gaia Terra. 


Yet we are nowhere near having this experience of sourcing our own joy and serenity be true for each and every human on Earth.  Now though it is simply a question of time before that moment arrives.  Humans are being swept up in the rising tides of joy and serenity.  Joy is in the air.  Serenity is an aspect of our very nature.


This is just the beginning of the good news.  As Earth, beloved Gaia Terra, raises her collective vibration to heightened levels of joy and serenity, the Earth is attracting the attention and the assistance of beings of like mind and heart from all sectors of this and other Universes.  They are here with us now.  They bring their own joy and serenity.  They bring their advanced technologies and amplified visions and experiences of realms of creativity and abundance to offer to us as gifts simply because they love us and appreciate the fact that we have decided to be joyful and peace-loving beings. 


These beings await our invitation to them that will allow them to bring forth their gifts and their friendship into the open.  They await only our invitation.  We have already attracted their attention and have drawn them near through our collective ‘purposeful choices’ to think and be peace, to think and be joy, to think and be serenity. 


We Earth humans, Gaia Terra’s children, now have the wind at our backs.  We are finding our way Home once again to our own hearts from whence we strayed.  The joy of this re-turn is palpable. 


Pause and be still in this now moment.  Breathe deeply.  Feel for yourself, as you touch into your own heart, all those in the unseen who await your invitation for reunion.  Those in the unseen but await our collective invitation.   Prepare yourself for the great reunion that even now draws closer by the moment. 

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